Oxytocin (OXT) is an “affiliative” hormone or neurohormone or neuropeptide consists of nine amino acids, synthesized in magnocellular neurons of paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic nuclei (SON) of hypothalamus. OXT receptors are widely distributed in various region of brain and OXT has been shown to regulate various social and nonsocial behavior. Hippocampus is the main region which regulates the learning and memory. Hippocampus particularly regulates the acquisition of new memories and retention of acquired memories. OXT has been shown to regulate the synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis, and consolidation of memories. Further, findings from both preclinical and clinical studies have suggested that the OXT treatment improves performance in memory related task. Various trials have suggested the positive impact of intranasal OXT in the dementia patients. However, these studies are limited in number. In the present study authors have highlighted the role of OXT in the formation and retrieval of memories. Further, the study demonstrated the outcome of OXT treatment in various memory and related disorders.