Wrinkles are the most visible sign in skin aging and for which many people seek different aesthetic procedures. Treatment options varies from invasive to non-invasive procedures. Combining platelet rich plasma and fractional carbon dioxide laser (CO2 ) has been used frequently for showing promising results in treating photoaged skin generally and wrinkles specifically since the microscopic thermal zones created by the fractional laser facilitates the delivery of the plasma into the dermis which aids the process of collagen induction and skin rejuvenation. To compare and assess the clinical efficacy of fractional CO2 laser alone versus combined fractional CO2 laser and platelet rich plasma in treatment of facial rhytides (in terms of size, depth, and overall appearance). Twenty-six female patients were selected and each face was split into 2 halves a control side (Laser + saline) and an experimental side (Laser + platelet rich plasma). Treatment plan was 1 laser session per month for a total of 4 sessions. Clinical objective evaluation was done by the Antera camera in addition to assessment by two blinded dermatologists. The combined treatment was as effective in improving wrinkles as fractional CO2 laser alone. Antera camera scores showed statistical significance in overall wrinkles measurements on each side equally. Both treatment modalities gave optimum cosmetic results with no significant difference noticed when compared with each other, although overall satisfaction with wrinkles and skin were statistically greater than the initial satisfaction scores.