Quantum nuclear dynamics with wavepacket time evolution is classically intractable and viewed as a promising avenue for quantum information processing. Here, we use IonQ, Inc.'s 11-qubit trapped-ion quantum computer, Harmony, to study the quantum wavepacket dynamics of a shared-proton within a short-strong hydrogen-bonded system. We also provide the first application of distributed quantum computing for chemical dynamics problems, where a distributed set of quantum processes is constructed using a tensor network formalism. For a range of initial states, we experimentally drive the ion-trap system to emulate the quantum nuclear wavepacket as it evolves along the potential surface generated from the electronic structure. Following the experimental creation of the nuclear wavepacket, we extract measurement observables such as its time-dependent spatial projection and its characteristic vibrational frequencies to good agreement with classical results. Vibrational eigenenergies obtained from quantum computation are in agreement with those obtained from classical simulations to within a fraction of a kilocalorie per mole, thus suggesting chemical accuracy. Our approach opens a new paradigm for studying the quantum chemical dynamics and vibrational spectra of molecules and also provides the first demonstration of parallel quantum computation on a distributed set of ion-trap quantum computers.