Palm grass (Setaria palmifolia) has been used as an ornamental plant and vegetable crop (Wu, 2009; Plarre, 1995). In June 2019, 2-10 mm severe leaf lesions with gray centers and brown-yellow edges were observed on the leaves of palm grass in Liuyang city (28°43'N, 114°12'E), Hunan province, China (Fig. 1A). Disease incidence on leaves was 20 - 40%. The infected leaves were collected and disinfected with 75% alcohol for 30 sec and 1% sodium hypochlorite for 1 min, followed by three rinses in sterilized ddH2O, dried on sterilized filter paper, and incubated on water agar for 48 h under continuous fluorescent light at 26℃. Then, typical pyriform and 2-septate conidia (23.97 - 30.37 × 7.42 - 9.98 μm, N = 30) appeared at the lesions (Fig. 1B). Four single-spore were captured, and then grew on oatmeal tomato agar for seven days under continuous fluorescent light at 26℃ to obtain four isolates (LY-ZY-7a, -7b, -9b and -9c) and produce conidia for inoculation tests. The colony morphology of LY-ZY-7b on OTA was gray and floccose, and the growth rate was 6.15 - 6.31 mm/d at 26 °C (Fig. 1C). Spores of LY-ZY-7b were washed off with sterilized ddH2O plus 0.025% Tween-20 to make spore suspensions. For scratch inoculation, 10 μL spore suspension (1 × 105 spores/mL) was inoculated on the wound scratched with a sterilized pin along the vein (3 mm × 3 mm) on palm grass middle leaf of 4-week-old seedlings. The inoculated leaves were sealed in a 15-cm Petri dish. For spray inoculation, 20 mL spore suspension (5 × 104 spores/mL) was made and sprayed on ten healthy palm grasses of 4-week-old seedlings. Plants used as negative controls were sprayed with sterilized ddH2O plus 0.025% Tween-20 (Liu et al. 2022; Zhang et al. 2014). After inoculation, all plants were put into transparent boxes to maintain > 95% humidity and covered with black plastic bags for one day. Then, the boxes containing the plants were placed in a growth chamber at 26°C (12 h light / 12 h darkness photoperiod). After six days, typical blast-type lesions with brown-yellow edges were visible on the leaves. Control plants did not show symptoms (Fig. 1D, 1E). Microscopical examination showed that the conidia and conidiophore recovered from the lesion of the inoculated plants have the same morphology as those recovered from natural infected tissues (Fig. 1F, 1G). The colony morphology of the pathogen isolated from the artificially inoculated tissue was consistent with that of isolate LY-ZY-7b (Fig. 1C). The spore suspension (5 × 104 spores/mL) of isolate LY-ZY-7b and one rice-infecting strain P131 (Yang et al., 2010) was made and sprayed onto 4-week-old seedlings of three rice cultivars. But unfortunately, isolate LY-ZY-7b could not cause any disease lesions on the tested rice cultivars, whereas strain P131 produced many typical blast lesions on rice leaves (Fig. 1H). Then, the fungal genetic identity of four isolates (LY-ZY-7a, -7b, -9b, and -9c) was confirmed by comparison of the sequence obtained from partial DNA of Actin (ACT), ITS, and RPB1 loci from our isolates and those previously published by Klaubauf et al. 2014. The nucleotide sequences of ACT, ITS, and RPB1 were submitted to GenBank ON228695-ON228697 (ACT), ON210978-ON210980 (ITS), ON228698-ON228701 (RPB1). A phylogenetic tree deduced from a maximum likelihood analysis based on combined ACT-ITS-RPB1 sequence data of Pyricularia showed that these four isolates (LY-ZY-7a, -7b, -9b, and -9c) clustered together on Pyricularia oryzae, with a high bootstrap support value (Fig. 2). Based on morphological characteristics and molecular phylogeny, these four isolates were identified as P. oryzae (Klaubauf et al. 2014; Qi et al. 2019). To our knowledge, this is the first report of blast disease on palm grass caused by P. oryzae in China, which will help develop disease management strategies against palm grass blast. Moreover, as a host of P. oryzae, palm grass might contribute as an inoculum source for blast diseases on cereal crops (such as rice, wheat, and barley) caused by P. oryzae in the field.
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