To assess the quality of preregistration house officer training in eight English regions. Postal questionnaire. Thames, East Anglian, Mersey, Northern, and Wessex regions. 1670 preregistration house officers. Education, hours of work, workload, conditions of work, and attitudes to job and medicine as a career. Response rate was 69% (1146 replies). Most house officers had attended induction courses (1036/1129 (92%)); 74% (757/1024) found them satisfactory. The proportions who had never received adequate guidance on how to break bad news and how to control pain were 59% (670/1135) and 56% (634/1136) respectively. There was much variation between regions. Overall, 65% (736/1138) reported confidence in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Most respondents (95% (1089/1142)) worked an on call rota, 3% (36) a partial shift, and 0.6% (seven) a full shift; 19% (202) were on duty for average weekly hours that exceeded the targets for 1 April 1993. House officers had a median of 20 patients under their care and clerked a median of 10 emergency cases, six routine cases, and two day cases a week. Over half (690/1128 (61%)) could not obtain hot food after 8 pm, 20% (223/1095) did not always have clean sheets available in their on call room, and 45% (462/1036) did not consider the protection of staff against violence to be adequate at their hospital. The most important problems with the preregistration year were inappropriate or non-medical tasks (ranked first by 360 respondents), hours of work (359), and pay for out of hours work (167). Overall 57% (646/1125) would encourage a friend to apply for their post, but only 24% (266/1112) would encourage a friend to take up medicine and 44% (494/1112) would discourage the idea. House officers' training is deficient in important respects, with inappropriate tasks and heavy clinical workloads impeding the provision of proper education.
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