Millennials are considered to cover individuals born between 1980-1996. This generation in literature is also described as the Internet Belt, Millennials, Echo Boomers, Generation Next, Nexters. The core values of this generation are innovation, independence, creativity, ambition and development. More egocentric than other generations, millennials are fond of brands, friends, entertainment and digital culture. Y-generation, a self-confident, educated generation, has a different perspective on business life, consumption style and social relations. In the next 10 years, millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce. It is estimated that vacation and travel will be an indispensable item for the Y generation. Therefore, it will reveal a number of opportunities for the travel and hospitality industry. There will also be differentiations in tourism trends for this generation, which prefers travel programs to have different experiences in travel and sightseeing preferences. Finally, examples of research on tourism trends among millennials (wellness tourism, camping, solo traveller, spiritual tourism and yoga vacations) were examined. This paper will contribute to literature in this subject and it can be said that this study has a quality that will lead to academic research and that it is a research that tourism sector can benefit from it.
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