The study of alveolar fluid mechanics is critical for comprehending respiratory function and lung diseases, particularly in cases of alveolar lesions that result in significant structural and fluid dynamic changes. This study investigates the flow topology and chaotic mixing within both normal and edematous alveoli, where the alveoli in the edematous model are interconnected by pores. To numerically simulate alveolar flow, a mathematical model is developed to ascertain the key parameters of Reynolds number (Re) and alveolar expansion ratio. Subsequently, the flow fields are analyzed to determine wall shear stress (WSS) and to identify WSS critical points and critical points of velocity vector, with a thorough presentation of the various flow topologies corresponding to these critical points. Moreover, a dynamic mode decomposition-based method is introduced to track particle trajectories, and the exploration of chaotic mixing is conducted through tracer advection, Poincare map, and the calculation of finite-time Lyapunov exponents. Results indicate that the edematous model exhibits a higher Re and higher WSS due to the fluid properties. Within the alveoli, high WSS is usually localized at the pores. The pores increase critical points and alter flow topologies, significantly changing chaotic mixing. Additionally, Re and alveolar locations also affect mixing patterns. These findings are crucial for understanding alveolar physiology and designing inhaled drugs for lung diseases, considering the role of chaos in particle transport in the lung acini.