The contact zone is the area of mutual penetration of the cutting edges into the processedmaterial and the protrusions of the materials in the gaps between the grains. The parameters of thestate of the zone include its size and shape, the ratio of cut and uncut parts of metal in each area ofthe zone, the physical processes of formation, including: chipping, heat generation, plasticdeformation of the material, tool material wear and damage, physical and chemical effects oncooling lubricants.The formation of the processed surface in the conditions of electroerosive diamond grindingwith variable polarity of electrodes in the cutting zone is investigated in the article. A physicalmodel of diamond tool wear has been developed considering the erosion processes affecting thewheel connection. The construction takes into account dimensional wear, processes of chipping andpulling out single abrasive grains from the bond, under the action of the components of cuttingforces, considering the probability of grain contact with metal, the size of wear sites and the actualdepth of microcutting.The obtained ratios allow us to directly determine the probability of contact of the cut chipsfrom the body, formed by the cutting edge of the grain, with the bond surface of the grinding wheel.When solving the problem of the probability of contacting the set of chips formed by the set ofedges of the grains lying in the working layer of the tool, it is also necessary to use the probabilityof the density distribution along the depth.The type of the obtained ratios directly shows that a significant part of the chips formed bythe cutting edges in contact with the rough surface of the workpiece are short and do not come intocontact with the ligament until separation from the body of the workpiece, even without shrinkage.The obtained relations can be used in solving the corresponding problems of grinding theperiphery of the circle, for example, round external grinding. With a clearer description of theprocess, it is necessary to directly apply the nonstationary representation, taking into accountadditional nonstationary ones, introduced by the trajectories of the cutting edges as a function of theangle of rotation of the circle and the part in the process of their interaction.
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