Tires are crucial components of vehicles, continuously in contact with the road. Monitoring tire conditions is vital for safety and performance, as degradation in tire treads and sidewalls can affect traction, fuel efficiency, longevity, and road noise. This research leverages both VGG19 and Efficient Net B7 algorithms to enhance tire image rendering, addressing limitations of traditional techniques. Using a binary classification algorithm, we classify tire images as healthy or cracked. By fine-tuning VGG19 and EfficientNet B7 on a specialized tire dataset, we achieve high-quality, photorealistic renderings. Our results demonstrate remarkable improvements in texture quality and visual realism compared to traditional methods. The rendered images exhibit finer details and more accurate representations of the tire’s tread patterns and material properties. This research contributes to the field of computer graphics by presenting a novel application of deep learning techniques to a specific industrial need, paving the way for future advancements in high-quality rendering of complex tire textures. Key Words: VGG19,Photorealistic rendering, deep learning.