Introduction: Chip liquid chromatography (LC) is a form of liquid chromatography (LC) that has been scaled down to suit a microchip for quick, high-throughput analysis with tiny sample volumes and minimal reagent usage. The term also goes by To date, four distinct on-chip LC strategies have been created. These strategies make use of columns that are open-tubular, packed-particle, monolithic, and pillar array.
 Applications: This technique is used to analyze small compounds and medications in a variety of biological materials, as well as for proteomics. High quantities of other endogenous chemicals that may cause interference are present alongside these biological compounds, which are only present in tiny levels. LC miniaturization offers a solution to such problems.
 Advantage: On-a-chip operations like sampling, sample transfer, separation, and identification are carried out. Sample preparation is the most challenging task at the micro level and is an important component of most analytical techniques, particularly in bioanalysis. One of the crucial steps in liquid chromatography is separation. Sensitive detection methods such as laser-induced fluorescence microscopy and mass spectrometry are being used.