Hepatic venous transplant anastomotic pressure gradient measurement and transjugular liver biopsy are commonly used in clinical decision-making in patients with suspected anastomotic hepatic venous outflow obstruction. This investigation aimed to determine if sinusoidal dilatation and congestion on histology are predictive of hepatic venous anastomotic outflow obstruction, and if it can help select patients for hepatic vein anastomosis stenting. This is a single-center retrospective study of 166 transjugular liver biopsies in 139 patients obtained concurrently with transplant venous anastomotic pressure gradient measurement. Demographic characteristics, laboratory parameters, procedure and clinical data, and histology of time-zero allograft biopsies were analyzed. No relationship was found between transplant venous anastomotic pressure gradient and sinusoidal dilatation and congestion (P = 0.92). Logistic regression analysis for sinusoidal dilatation and congestion confirmed a significant relationship with reperfusion/preservation injury and/or necrosis of the allograft at time-zero biopsy (OR 6.6 [1.3-33.1], P = 0.02). There is no relationship between histologic sinusoidal dilatation and congestion and liver transplant hepatic vein anastomotic gradient. In this study group, sinusoidal dilatation and congestion is a nonspecific histopathologic finding that is not a reliable criterion to select patients for venous anastomosis stenting.
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