This review examines various weed control strategies for Direct Seeded Rice systems. The diverse weed flora in DSR includes grasses (Echinochloa colona), sedges (Cyperus iria) and broadleaf weeds (Ludwigia parviflora) being prevalent. Integrated weed management combining cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical methods is recommended for sustainable control. Cultural practices such as stale seedbed techniques, crop rotations and flooding help suppress the growth of weeds. Mechanical methods, including hand weeding and the use of weeders, are effective but labour-intensive. Chemical control via pre-emergence (pretilachlor) and post-emergence (bispyribac-sodium) herbicides has shown promising results optimally. This review highlights that an integrated approach utilizing multiple complementary weed management tactics is essential for effective and sustainable weed control in direct-seeded rice. The proper timing of interventions, combinations of methods, and consideration of local conditions are essential factors. Although chemical herbicides are still valuable tools, there is a growing emphasis on reducing their use by integrating alternative methods. Overall, continued review of innovative biological and ecological approaches can further enhance the existing options for weed management in DSR systems.
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