The cellular basis of the morphogenesis of the coelom, mouth, and the primary pore-canal in the sea urchin larva (Psammechinus miliaris) has been studied by means of time-lapse cinematography. The purpose of this work is to see to what extent it may be possible to discuss these apparently complicated morphogenetic events in the same terms as we have used with regard to earlier and more simple morphogenetic events, e.g. gastrulation, namely as result of changes in contacts between cells, of pseudopod activity, and simple geometrical relations. The archenteron is brought in contact with the oral ectoderm by means of pseudopod activity, particularly from the unpaired coelom rudiment at the archenteron tip. The coelom rudiment rounds up and is delineated from the oesophagus by means of a constriction, a process which may, at least partly, reflect changes in contact between the cells. For geometrical reasons it is the anterior coelom surface close to the oesophagus that becomes attached to the oral ectoderm. The contact surface increases as a result of pseudopodal activity of the coelom cells. The non-attached part of the coelom becomes pulled out into a bi-lobed sac with a narrow isthmus. The formation of this shape appears to be explicable mainly in terms of graded differences in the strength of the contacts that the coelom pseudopods make with adjacent structures and as a consequence of the broad attachment of the coelom to the oral ectoderm. The coelom sacs are pulled out at the expense of the isthmus that becomes very narrow. The upper edge of the oesophagus therefore comes very close to the oral ectoderm. The coelom pseudopods attaching to the oesophagus pull out the coelomic sacs backwards and anchor the coelom sacs to the sides of the oesophagus. Many of the pseudopod forming cells are then released from the coelom and form a mesenchyme, which spins around the oesophagus. The left coelomic sac is larger than the right, and some of its pseudopods extend the coelom towards the dorsal ectoderm so that a canal is formed, the primary pore-canal, which fuses with the ectoderm. Some factors that may determine the course of the canal are discussed. The slow contractility of the pseudopods, both those attached to the coelom and those of the released mesenchyme spun around the oesophagus, later changes into a rapid periodic contractile activity which brings about peristaltic and other movements of the oesophagus. It is not known if also the oesophagus wall itself has such a contractile ability. The cells of the oral ectoderm reduce their contact with each other and pulsate on their inner surface, and the oral region therefore invaginates in a manner very similar to the primary invagination of the archenteron. The bi-lobed coelom is pulled apart into two separate sacs, and the edge of the oesophagus therefore comes in direct contact with the oral invagination with which it fuses. The perforation of the oral invagination appears to be brought about by the mechanical action of the coelomic pseudopods and by the tensions which are associated with the beginning peristaltic contractions of the oesophagus. A postulated chemical factor, probably released from the archenteron tip, must weaken the hyaline layer to make a rupture of the oral ectoderm possible. Only a few cells in the oral ectoderm are released during this process. The liberated cells show an amoeboidic activity. The initially small perforation widens as a result of the contractile activity of the coelom-oesophagus complex. The relation between the cellular activities concerned and the postulated morphogenetic gradients is briefly discussed. It is concluded that a complex set of structures may arise from a succession of a few basic cellular events organized in a rather simple manner.
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