This article examines the mechanisms by which aperiodic denial-of-service (DoS) attacks can exploit vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP transport protocol and its three-way handshake during communication data transmission to hack and cause data loss in networked control systems (NCSs). Such data loss caused by DoS attacks can eventually lead to system performance degradation and impose network resource constraints on the system. Therefore, estimating system performance degradation is of practical importance. By formulating the problem as an ellipsoid-constrained performance error estimation (PEE) problem, we can estimate the system performance degradation caused by DoS attacks. We propose a new Lyapunov-Krasovskii function (LKF) using the fractional weight segmentation method (FWSM) to examine the sampling interval and introduce a relaxed, positive definite constraint to optimize the control algorithm. We also propose a relaxed, positive definite constraint that reduces the initial constraints to optimize the control algorithm. Next, we introduce an alternate direction algorithm (ADA) to solve the optimal trigger threshold and design an integral-based event-triggered controller (IETC) to estimate the error performance of NCSs with limited network resources. Finally, we verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method using the Simulink joint platform autonomous ground vehicle (AGV) model.
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