Previous articleNext article No AccessGender, Ethnicity, and Class in Kenya: "Burying Otieno" RevisitedApril GordonApril Gordon Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Signs Volume 20, Number 4Summer, 1995Postcolonial, Emergent, and Indigenous Feminisms Article DOI Views: 45Total views on this site Citations: 15Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1995 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Wale Adebanwi Burying “Zik of Africa”: The Politics of Death and Cultural Crisis, Comparative Studies in Society and History 63, no.11 (Jan 2021): 41–71. G. Cattell Aging in Kenya: Older Kenyans in the Twenty-First Century, (Jan 2021): 67–81. Murray, Katy Day, Jane Tobbell Duvet woman versus action man: the gendered aetiology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome according to English newspapers, Feminist Media Studies 19, no.66 (Apr 2019): 890–905. Buswell, Yvonne Corcoran-Nantes Precarious Liaisons: Gender, Moral Authority and Marriage in Colonial Kenya, (Oct 2017): 395–414. Hunsu Engendering an Alternative Approach to Otherness in African Women's Autobiography, Life Writing 10, no.22 (Jun 2013): 171–185. Henrysson, Sandra F. Joireman On the Edge of the Law: Women's Property Rights and Dispute Resolution in Kisii, Kenya, Law & Society Review 43, no.11 (Mar 2009): 39–60. Joireman The Mystery of Capital Formation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Women, Property Rights and Customary Law, World Development 36, no.77 (Jul 2008): 1233–1246. Cloete Women, Home and Personal Narrative in Kenya, Journal of Literary Studies 24, no.11 (Mar 2008): 82–99. Henrysson, Sandra Fullerton Joireman On the Edge of the Law: The Cost of Informal Property Rights Adjudication in Kisii, Kenya, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2007). G. Cattell African Widows: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives, Journal of Women & Aging 15, no.2-32-3 (Oct 2008): 49–66. S. Khadiagala Justice and Power in the Adjudication of Women's Property Rights in Uganda, Africa Today 49, no.22 (Jun 2002): 100–121. A. Weinreb First Politics, Then Culture: Accounting for Ethnic Differences in Demographic Behavior in Kenya, Population and Development Review 27, no.33 (Sep 2001): 437–467. L. Parpart The Widow Refuses: Embodied Practices and Negotiations over Inheritance in Zimbabwe, (Jan 2000): 159–179. CLOETE DELIBERATIONS ON NAMES AND SPACES: WAMBUI WAIYAKI OTIENO AND MAU MAU'S DAUGHTER, English Studies in Africa 43, no.11 (Jan 2000): 65–86. Ray, A. C. Korteweg WOMEN'S MOVEMENTS IN THE THIRD WORLD: Identity, Mobilization, and Autonomy, Annual Review of Sociology 25, no.11 (Aug 1999): 47–71.
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