We study epitaxial growth, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of Fe–As compound thin films grown on GaAs (111)B substrates at various values of the As4:Fe flux ratio γ, using molecular beam epitaxy. The samples grown at low As4 flux (γ = 0.3, sample A) show mainly a body-centered-cubic (bcc) crystal structure, exhibiting ferromagnetic properties similar to bcc Fe. Meanwhile, the Fe–As samples grown at medium γ (2.7–4.5, sample group B) comprise regions of Ni2In-type FeAs (a hexagonal crystal with lattice constants of a = 0.399 nm and c = 0.536 nm), which are grown at the bottom and interface with the GaAs buffer layer, and a layer of non-stoichiometric FeAs with a DO3 structure (a = 0.522 nm) formed on the top. The DO3-structure FeAs phase contains partially transformed regions, which are characterized by thin stripes in a scanning transmission electron microscopy image. Furthermore, in the sample grown with high γ = 8.5 (sample C), a hexagonal Fe–As crystal with a large in-plane lattice constant (a = 0.691 nm and c = 0.542 nm) and threefold screw axes are observed. None of these crystal structures of Fe–As compounds has ever been reported. While sample C shows no ferromagnetism, the samples in group B exhibit strong ferromagnetism with high Curie temperature TC above 400 K. These new ferromagnetic Fe–As compounds are promising for spintronic device applications.