The complete electroelastic tensor of quartz has been calculated—for the first time—exclusively using the data obtained by the resonator method. Its eight independent components were obtained by the least-squares fit to 184 observations of the dc-field-induced change in the resonance frequency of the extentional mode of rods and thickness modes of plates. Simultaneously, an attempt has been made to calculate the eight independent components of the electrostrictive tensor and the only independent component of the third-order permittivity tensor of quartz. Only seven values have been obtained here; three of them are linear combinations of these quantities. A comparison made with similar tensors as calculated from the transit-time experiment [Kittinger, Tichy, and Friedel, J. Appl. Phys. 60, 1465 (1986)] yields excellent agreement for the electroelastic tensor. Differences between the corresponding tensor components are comparable with their standard errors. The comparisons available for the electrostrictive tensor are considerably less encouraging. No comparison for the third-order permittivity (disregarded in the analysis of the transit-time experiment) could be made.