This study was conducted with the aim of examining the paradigm shift theories of unification education. Each of these paradigm shifts had the following problems. The paradigm shift from security to peaceful unification has issues such as incompleteness of paradigm shift, the still central position of security, and the unclear status and conceptual establishment of the concept of “unification” when transitioning from security education to unification education. The paradigm shift to unification education by various theories of education has a problem either the maintenance or replacement of unification education, and there is also a problem that it does not present the systematic relationship between education and unification education by various theories of education. Following the emergence of post-modernity, the theory of paradigm shift in unification education has problems such as appropriateness of alternatives, appropriateness of application to the Korean modernity, and problems that do not show great difference in content from the existing new paradigm of unification education.
 In order to achieve the correct shift in the paradigm of unification education while overcoming these problems, this study suggests several things as follows.
 First, in the era of post-Cold War inter-Korean reconciliation, unification education needs to achieve a complete paradigm shift from security to unification, which refers to education for “unification” itself, which converts division consciousness to unification-oriented consciousness, and education that seeks to shift awareness from division to unification.
 Second, in order to properly realize the paradigm shift to unification education in various theories of education, such as democratic citizenship education and peace education, it is necessary to include it in the systematic connection of unification education through education theory by and sub-education for unification ideology.
 Third, the paradigm shift to post-division education following the emergence of post-modernity needs to be pursued in the context of inclusion and convergence in unification education.