The reduced ring order (rr-order) is a natural partial order on a reduced ring R given by r≤rrs if r2=rs. It can be studied algebraically or topologically in rings of the form C(X). The focus here is on those reduced rings in which each pair of elements has an infimum in the rr-order, and what this implies for X. A space X is called rr-good if C(X) has this property. Surprisingly both locally connected and basically disconnected spaces share this property. The rr-good property is studied under various topological conditions including its behaviour under Cartesian products. The product of two rr-good spaces can fail to be rr-good (e.g., βR×βR), however, the product of a P-space and an rr-good weakly Lindelöf space is always rr-good. P-spaces, F-spaces and U-spaces play a role, as do Glicksberg's theorem and work by Comfort, Hindman and Negrepontis.