<span lang="EN-US">Learning can help students to show excellence according to their talents and interests. Therefore, students have the right to get support to increase their interest in learning. However, in SMA Negeri 6 Suarakarta, students' interest in learning geography is still low, namely 58%. The use of appropriate learning models and media can help to increase students' learning interest. This study aims to determine the application of the cooperative learning model assisted by learning media to increase students' learning interest which influences the learning outcomes of students in SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta class XI IPS 2. Data collection techniques use observation sheets, interest questionnaires, pre-test sheets and post-test, kahoot media, and documentation. The results of this study are that the application of STAD, TGT, and NHT cooperative learning models assisted by kahoot learning media can increase interest in learning by 58% (pre-cycle), 66% (cycle I), 71% (cycle II), and 78% (cycle II). cycle III). Increasing interest in learning has a positive impact on student learning outcomes which also increase, namely 57 (pre-cycle), 80 (cycle I), 85 (cycle II), and 86 (cycle III).</span>