The uniform heated rod bundle Critical Heating Flux (CHF) tests have been often conducted as a part of mixing vane performance evaluation processes. Presently, several commercial CHF correlations were developed based on a large amount of rod bundle CHF data using axial uniformly heated rod bundles. With a uniformly heated test section, majority of CHF events are dominated by dry-out mechanism under high quality, high void fraction local conditions. Considering the inverse proportional relationship between the quality and CHF, for an axially uniformly heated test section, the CHF events should occur near the end of heating length (EOHL) where the void fraction/quality is the highest. However, the upstream shift of CHF location is often observed in the uniform heating tests, sometime as much as 250 mm or higher upstream from the EOHL.In the past, without any sufficient convincing proof, long dryout areas as well as “unknown” “mysteries” mixing effects from the mixing vane grid were often considered as the contributing factors for this type of upstream shift. Based on further and detailed examination, this paper offer analysis and evidence to demonstrate another most plausible explanation, exit quenching effect, which ultimately concludes that rod bundle CHF using uniform heated rods could have data with huge measurement uncertainty and as much as over 30% of non-conservatism due to heat lose and quenching effects at the exit of the heated length. The quenching effect at the exit of heater length is mainly due to reflood phenomena generated between the high void/low flow test section exit region and the relatively cold single phase coolant immediately above in the top plenum resulting from either excessive heat loss or operating transient condition.In this paper, system code and CFD modeling were utilized to simulate the quenching phenomena in both steady state and transient conditions. The significant void fraction drop near the exit of the test section due to quenching were clearly observed in these simulations and also evidenced by the various degrees of coloration of the heaters surface in the experiment. This exit reflood quenching phenomena may change the CHF location, suppress boiling, cool down the heated surface, and eventually lead to non-conservative high CHF values. Based on this analysis and experimental observation, it is concluded that the CHF correlations developed based on these type of data are potentially non-conservative in various degrees pending on local thermal-hydraulic conditions, which should be taken into consideration for their applications, especially for safety analysis in nuclear reactor.
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