There is no dearth of methods to test isomorphism amongst kinematic chains. Search for a computationally easier, logically simple and unique method is still on. Present work is in quest of a reliable test to detect isomorphism among kinematic chains. Work presented here is more versatile as it incorporates more features of the kinematic chain which were not included earlier such as number and type of links, their relative dispositions in the kinematic chain, nature of adjacent links etc. The method proposed is based on the concept of pseudo-probability (pseudo means it appears to be, but not exactly. The approach does not follow in-toto the principles of probability and considerable liberty has been taken in interpreting the word probability hence the word pseudo is used along with the probability schemes). Using the resemblance of different coloured balls in an urn for the number and type of links in a kinematic chain, a matrix (named P-Matrix) representing the kinematic chain in totality is generated. For the sake of comparison a numerical scheme named, pseudo probability scheme, P-Scheme, is developed from the above P-Matrix and is used for testing isomorphism. In fact the method is more powerful in the sense that each row of the proposed P-Matrix is capable of representing the respective kinematic chain distinctly and can be used to compare the kinematic chains with same link assortments, uniquely. The proposed method, besides possessing the potential of testing the isomorphism among simple-joint, single degree of freedom kinematic chains is also capable of multi degrees of freedom and multiple-joint kinematic chains.