Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a recognized contributor to the hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of coral reef ecosystems located along coastlines. However, the distribution, size, and thermal properties of SGD remain poorly understood at most land–reef margins. We developed, deployed, and demonstrated an operational method for airborne detection and mapping of SGD using the 200 km coastline of western Hawai‘i Island as a testing and analysis environment. Airborne high spatial resolution (1 m) thermal imaging produced relative sea surface temperature (SST) maps that aligned geospatially with boat-based transects of SGD presence–absence. Boat-based SST anomaly measurements were highly correlated with airborne SST anomaly measurements (R2 = 0.85; RMSE = 0.04 °C). Resulting maps of the relative difference in SST inside and outside of SGD plumes, called delta-SST, revealed 749 SGD plumes in 200 km of coastline, with nearly half of the SGD plumes smaller than 0.1 ha in size. Only 9% of SGD plumes were ≥1 ha in size, and just 1% were larger than 10 ha. Our findings indicate that small SGD is omnipresent in the nearshore environment. Furthermore, we found that the infrequent, large SGD plumes (>10 ha) displayed the weakest delta-SST values, suggesting that large discharge plumes are not likely to provide cooling refugia to warming coral reefs. Our operational approach can be applied frequently over time to generate SGD information relative to terrestrial substrate, topography, and pollutants. This operational approach will yield new insights into the role that land-to-reef interactions have on the composition and condition of coral reefs along coastlines.
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