Twenty-one adducts of the form AgX:ER 3:L (1:1:1) (X = CF 3COO (‘tfa’), CH 3COO (‘ac’), E = P, As; R = Ph, cy, o-tolyl; L = 2,2′-bipyridyl (‘bpy’)-based ligand) have been synthesized and characterized by analytical, spectroscopic (IR, far-IR, 1H, 19F and 31P NMR) and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The resulting complexes are predominantly of the form [(R 3E)AgL] +X −, with a trigonal EAgN 2 coordination environment, the planarity of which may be perturbed by the approach of anion or solvent. The carboxylate anions have been found to be uni-, or semi-bidentate, or also completely ionic, as in the complexes [Ag(PPh 3)(bpy)(H 2O)](tfa) and [Ag(PPh 3)(dpk · H 2O)](tfa) (‘dpk · H 2O’ = bis(2-pyridyl)ketone (hydrated)). The complexes Agac:PPh 3:dpa (1:1:1) and Agac:P( o-tol) 3:dpa:MeCN (1:1:1:1) are dinuclear, with bridging unidentate acetate and terminal unidentate dpa (‘dpa’ = bis(2-pyridyl)amine).
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