The present paper discusses the style and characteristics of technical language generally and oil and gas discourse particularly and shows the differences between technical and scientific language. The paper starts with providing an overview on technical language and the historical emergence. Then, it shows the difference between technical and scientific language because scads of people think they are the same, which is not the case. The paper proceeds to discuss the style and characteristics of technical language giving examples [along with the Arabic proposed translation] about each characteristic for further clarification, and it moves to discuss oil and gas language showing how this discipline is versatile and interdisciplinary. Finally, the paper recapitulates the characteristics of oil and gas discourse and provides examples [along with the Arabic proposed translations] about each. This paper might be of great benefit for specialist and non-specialist individuals who use technical language, including academics, engineers, technicians, linguists, translators and many more, as it helps to improve understanding of technical texts [which is beneficial for translators] and advance the writing skills of specialist individuals.
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