It is commonly known that a number of variables, including price, supply levels, time, and green level, affect how quickly certain things are in demand. Furthermore, the inventory carrying cost is considered to be a nonlinear representation of time and is subject to variation throughout time. More precisely, it rises with time since longer storage times necessitate more costly warehouse space. This study presents a fully backlogged situation inventory system for a single commodity where the product’s selling price, green level, and time are used to simultaneously compute the demand rate in accordance with a power pattern. Purchase price is determined by the product’s nonlinear green level. Complete backorders are available for shortages. The impact of the product’s selling price, green level and time power function are combined to determine the product’s demand. Moreover, the holding cost also rises as the product is stored for a longer period of time. The primary goal is to determine the best inventory policy to maximise total profit per unit of time. Though the problem is highly nonlinear in nature. Hence, we cannot solve it analytically. To overcome these difficulties, we have applied several well-known popular metaheuristic algorithms (Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA), Artificial Electric Field Algorithm (AEFA), Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm (TLBOA), Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm (GWOA), Sparrow Search Algorithm (SSA), Whale Optimizer Algorithm (WOA), Prairie Dog Optimization Algorithm (PDOA), Gazelle Optimization Algorithm (GOA), A Sinh Cosh Optimizer Algorithm (SCHOA) and White Sherk Optimizer Algorithm (WSOA), Archimedes Optimization Paradigm Algorithm (AOPA), Marine Predator Optimization Algorithm (MPOA), Geyser Inspired Algorithm (GIA), Runge Kutta Optimization Algorithm (RKOA), Lungs Performance-based Optimization Algorithm (LPOA) and Dwarf Mongoose Optimization Algorithm (DMOA)). It is observed that WCA perform better than other algorithms with respect to the convergence rate. A numerical example is taken in order to validate the proposed model. Finally, a post optimality analysis is performed in order to make a fruitful conclusion.
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