Energy loss measurements for heavy ions (28Ni,24Cr and 22Ti) crossing thin polymeric foil such as PVC and Mylar in the energy range 0.1–0.3 MeV/n have been carried out utilizing the 6MV Tandem accelerator facility at iThemba-labs in Johannesburg (South Africa). These measurements deduced experimental stopping force data have been compared with those calculated using Lindhard, Scharff and Schiott formulation (LSS) and SRIM-2013 predictions. A large significant deviation has been observed between experimental values and those calculated by LSS formula. Based on physical postulate, we have developed a reasonably simple semi-empirical formula that takes in to account a mean residual projectile charge Z1¯ and suitable ξe factor which depend on Z1 and Z2. This new modified LSS formula has been tested and the calculated stopping force values generated by this formula are in close agreement with the measured ones.