In this paper, we investigate the localization of a five-dimensional (5D) Elko spinor field in de Sitter tachyonic braneworld models. These branes are generated by gravity coupled to a tachyonic bulk scalar field and include a de Sitter cosmological background induced on the 3D-brane. Using Yukawa-type coupling mechanism we show that a free massless Elko spinor field cannot be localized on tachyonic de Sitter branes while massive Elko fields are localized if their bulk mass obeys an upper bound. Also by introducing a tachyonic function F(T) as Yukawa interaction term between the Elko spinor and the background tachyonic scalar field we find that localized massless zero modes are given in terms of general Heun functions. Furthermore, it is shown that employing a new derivative coupling term in the action of Elko spinor fields leads to the Elko field localization on tachyonic de Sitter branes.
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