Warrant Officer (WOFF) David Turnbull provided his insight and point of view (Turnbull, 2023) on the struggle of getting the best people into Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG). Whilst it is a great read and the scene is set for further nail-biting episodes, the one standout observable from my point of view is that his theme is focussed on the ability or struggle of encouraging Enlisted Aviators to seek employment within CASG. This is different from the point of view of commissioned aviator ranks. Aviators within the aviation Engineers and Logistics (ENGLOG) categories, posting into various CASG System Program Offices (SPO) is inevitable. Unlike the Enlisted Aviators, aviation ENGLOG can expect a posting into a SPO at each rank band in between the ‘fun’ postings; Junior Officer (JO), Squadron Leader (SQNLDR), Wing Commander (WGCDR) and Group Captain. But the SPO ‘fun’ doesn’t stop there because then there are CASG Branch level postings for Air Commodore and Air Vice Marshal.