A model for the mixing of H 2O and silicate melts has been derived from the experimentally determined effects of H 2O on the viscosity (fluidity), volumes, electrical conductivities, and especially the thermodynamic properties of hydrous aluminosilicate melts. It involves primarily the reaction of H 2O with those O −2 ions of the melt that are shared (bridging) between adjacent (Al, Si)O 4 tetrahedra to produce OH − ions. However, in those melts that contain trivalent ions in tetrahedral coordination, such as the Al 3+ ion in feldspathic melts, the model further involves exchange of a proton from H 2O with a non-tetrahedrally coordinated cation that must be present to balance the net charge on the AlO 4 group. This cation exchange reaction, which goes essentially to completion, results in dissociation of the H 2O and is limited only by the availability of H 2O and the number of exchangeable cations per mole of aluminosilicate. In the system NaAlSi 3O 8-H 2O, upon which this thermodynamic model is based, there is 1 mole of exchangeable cations (Na +) per mole (GFW) of NaAlSi 3O 8, consequently ion exchange occurs for H 2O contents up to a 1:1 mole ratio ( X m w = mole fraction H 2 O = 0.5). For mole fractions of H 2O greater than 0.5, no further exchange can occur and the reaction with additional bridging oxygens of the melt produces 2 moles of associated OH − ions per mole of H 2O dissolved. These reactions lead to a linear dependence of the thermodynamic activity of H 2O ( a m w ) on the square of its mole fraction ( X m w ) for values of X m w , up to 0.5 and an exponential dependence on X m w at higher H 2O contents. Thus, for values of X m w ↬ 0.5, a m w = k(X m w) 2 , where k is a Henry's law constant for the dissociated solute. Extension of the thermodynamic model for NaAlSi 3O 8-H 2O to predict H 2O solubilities and other behavior of compositionally more complex aluminosilicate melts (magmas) requires placing these melts on an equimolal basis with NaAlSi 3O 8. This is readily accomplished using chemical analyses of quenched glasses by normalizing to the stoichiometric requirements of NaAlSi 3O 8, first in terms of equal numbers of exchangeable cations for mole fractions of H 2O up to 0.5 and secondly in terms of 8 moles of oxygen for higher H 2O contents. Chemical analyses of three igneous-rock glasses, ranging in composition from tholeiitic basalt to lithium-rich pegmatite, were thus recast and the experimental H 2O solubilities were computed on this equimolal basis. The resulting equimolal solubilities are all the same, within experimental error, as the solubility of H 2O in NaAlSi 3O 8 melt calculated from the thermodynamic relations. The equivalence of equimolal solubilities implies that the Henry's law constant ( k), which is a function of temperature and pressure, is independent of aluminosilicate composition over a wide range. Moreover, as a consequence of the Gibbs-Duhem relation and the properties of exact differentials, it is clear that the silicate components of the melt, properly defined, mix ideally. Thus, a relatively simple mixing model for H 2O in silicate melts has led to a quantitative thermodynamic model for magmas that has far-reaching consequences in igneous petrogenesis.
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