Abstract The suppression of the microturbulence associated
to the emergence of a spontaneous internal transport barrier has been
recently demonstrated in a system showing a possible amplification
of the zonal flow component in the low-frequency regime $\left[\right.$A.
Ghizzo and D. Del Sarto D 2023 \textit{Nucl. Fusion}
\textbf{63} 104002$\left.\right]$.
We use here numerical experiments performed with a ``particle mode''
model based on a double average over the fast cyclotron phase
and over the bounce (or transit) phase to show the major role played
by energetic particles and shear flows in this scenario. \textquotedbl Particle
modes\textquotedbl{} are meant here as classes of particles, identified
by some adiabatic invariant after a gyro-average procedure, which
are associated to the description of some specific linear modes of
the plasma. The introduction of energetic circulating ions or shear
flows into the system makes a larger number of particle modes being
involved in the synchronization process. A global synchronization
of the Fourier modes of the turbulent spectrum can be this way achieved.
This process allows for a bifurcation towards self-organization, which
is associated to the emergence of a staircase-like structure. This
is known to be an essential element in the modification of the zonal
flow pattern in phase space during the suppression of microturbulence
in tokamaks.
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