How humans use and manage water resources under climate change conditions threatens water security, which means risking the availability of enough good-quality water for everybody and for nature’s flora and fauna. Integrated Water Resources Management is a state-of-the-art water management model. After 20 years in use, the application of this model failed to achieve its primary goal in many countries, i.e., ensuring the good ecological status of rivers, lakes, and aquifers. This paper shows that because the model is more human-centered than nature-oriented or anthropocentric, it generates severe environmental damages called “externalities.” From a historical analysis of the human–nature interplay, three main results were obtained: (1) the nature–human interaction is always in a state of contradictory confrontation, being composed of two opposite human behaviors of conflict and cooperation with nature; (2) this contradiction is assumed as a general ontological principle and epistemic hypothesis, called “dialectical”; and (3) historically, in the balance of power between nature and humans, three clusters are identified: (i) naturalistic, (ii) dualistic, and (iii) anthropocentric. A theory of a novel behaviorist conflict resolution model is suggested to dialectically resolve conflicts between stakeholders and natural laws. This model provides a harmonic symbiosis of humans and nature, removes environmental externalities, and can lead to sustainable water security. Three case studies illustrate the merits of the new dialectical model in real applications.
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