Swarna (~gold) is categorized under the Sara loha varga (~noble metals) and is said to be superior to all other metals. Almost all ancient Ayurveda classics have indicated the therapeutic utilities of Swarna. However, compiled information on various aspects of this metal is not available, considering which, an attempt has been made to screen and compile information from available literature. The data have been compiled from different Ayurveda classical texts. Research articles published on Swarna bhasma (~incinerated gold ash) have also been referred for information. This precious metal is advocated to be used in therapeutics after converting it into fine powders through processing specified classical pharmaceutical procedures. The published information reiterated the therapeutic applications of Swarna bhasma referred in the classical literature. Swarna bhasma exhibited anticataleptic, antidepressant, antianxiety, antioxidant, antiarthritic, and antiangiogenic properties. It has shown significant effects on memory enhancing and improving learning abilities too.
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