A primary goal for anesthesia providers is to maintain patientsafety. This is an even greater concern when taking care of apatient with a complicated medical history. This case report,discusses the care of a 47 year-old female patient who presentedto a tertiary care center for an orthopedic procedure. Hermedical history included osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), achondroplasticdwarfism and suspicion of malignant hyperthermia (MH).There were multiple anesthetic implications to ensure safety forthis patient during the perioperative period. OI concerns includebone fragility and potential for multiple fractures even afterinoffensive trauma. Achondroplastic dwarfism concerns includeabnormalities of the upper airway and difficulty with visualizingthe glottic opening during direct laryngoscopy.1 MalignantHyperthermia is a life threatening disorder, which places thepatient at risk for a hypermetabolic reaction if exposed to selectanesthetic agents.