THE linoleum and felt-base floor-covering industry has set up a Research Council with the approval and support of the Department of Scientific and Industrial research.e special paints used for linoleum. Arrangements have already been made with the Paint Research Station for work on some of the problems of drying oils, linseed oil, gels and sealing coats for Linoleum manufacture offers wide scope for research, the endowment of which will form the initial policy of the Council. Problems include the oxidation of the basic raw material, linseed oil, its processing and compounding and calendering on to hessian backing, and also the manufacture and development ofsaturated felts. An information service has been set up, a central library started and a survey of patents relating to the industry begun. Dr. S. R. W. Martin has been appointed superintendent of research, and a programme of fundamental research has been agreed. The secretary is Mr. A. G. Vaughan. The membership of the Research Council includes substantially the whole industry, and the headquarters are at Rox-burghe House, 273-287 Regent Street, London, W.I.
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