ABSTRACT The formation of supraglacial lakes is one of such essential indications for the ice mass loss as well as global warming in the glaciers of the high mountains. Here, a total of 2072 glaciers with size >2km2 and supraglacial debris cover >15% were taken for the supraglacial morphodynamic study in the Himalaya. Moreover, a detailed study was performed in Everest and Uttrakhand regions as representative of eastern and western Himalaya concerning the supraglacial lake's behavior and its future consequences. Normalized elevation, feature selection techniques, cumulative frequency, and lake density were adopted for the supraglacial lake morphodynamics analysis. Lake size and lake numbers were continuously increasing since 1990 in those two sub-regions as well as in the whole Himalaya. A total of 14421, 23215, 24263 and 26112 supraglacial lakes and 58.55km2, 72.75km2, 73.34km2 and 87.75km2 of supraglacial lake size were demarcated for the years 1995, 2010, 2015 and 2019, respectively in the Himalaya. Unlike Uttarakhand and Arunachal regions, supraglacial lake density is higher in Everest, Sikkim and Bhutan regions. Most of the supraglacial lakes were gathered at the lower part of the ablation area (NE<2). Overall lake size is higher in Everest region (8.9km2) than in the Uttarakhand region (3.2km2). Similarly, Lake coalescing was also observed in Everest region only. The feature selection technique exhibited that the lake density is controlled mostly by slope followed by ice thickness and surface velocity.