Introduction: This study aimed to examine nurses'perception of occupational health and safety anddetermine their notification status in case ofoccupational accidents and possible problems.Materials and methods: The study is descriptive. Atotal of 332 nurses working in a training and researchhospital in western Turkey between March 5, 2023and June 20, 2023, were collected by face-to-facesurvey method. The data were collected using theQuestionnaire Form and Occupational Safety Scale(OSS) for health personnel working in the hospital.The data were analyzed in SPSS data program.Results: It was found that 47.9% of the nurses werebetween 31-45 years of age, 90.1% were female, and78.6% had a bachelor's degree. It was reported that95.5% of the nurses used personal protectiveequipment, 85.5% felt time pressure during work,78.6% did not work with enough nurses, 72.6% reported that the physical conditions of the hospitalwere not suitable, and 95.5% reported that thehospital food was not sufficient. The mean total scoreof the OSS scale was found to be 3.301.06. It wasobserved that there was a statistically significantdifference between the OSS scale scores accordingto the age and working years of the nurses (p<0.05).Conclusion: It was concluded that the mean OSSscale score of the nurses was at a moderate level, andthe mean occupational safety awareness increased asthe age and working years of the nurses increased. Itis recommended that occupational health and safetyareas, especially "Occupational Diseases and Com-plaints" and "Managerial Support and Approaches,"be improved.
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