Background: In cardiac surgery, precision and efficiency are crucial, especially in managing venous drainage flows during complex procedures. This practical technique evaluates the benefits of placing the proximal junction on the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) side rather than on the surgical table in bicaval cannulation. Bicaval cannulation, involving both the superior vena cava (SVC) and inferior vena cava (IVC), ensures efficient venous return.Practical technique: Placing the junction on the CPB side allows for accurate, real-time control of venous drainage, allowing for swift responses to fluctuations and maintaining stable hemodynamics.Perspectives: This approach could minimize the risk of congestion in the liver, splanchnic system, and cerebral venous return, thereby preventing related complications. Another important potential benefit of this approach could be the ability to closely monitor and manage metabolic demands and oxygen consumption for SVC and IVC. Additionally, EmTec flow technology can be integrated for more precise management.