Antiferromagnetic fluctuations in two dimensions cause a decrease in spectral weight at so-called hot spots associated with the pseudogap in electron-doped cuprates. In the $2\text{D}$ Hubbard model, these hot spots occur when the Vilk criterion is satisfied, namely, when the spin correlation length exceeds the thermal de Broglie wavelength. Using the two-particle self-consistent approach, here we show that this criterion may be violated near the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point when sufficient disorder is added to the model. Static disorder decreases inelastic scattering, in contradiction with Matthiessen's rule, leading to a shift in the position of the quantum critical point and a modification of the conditions for the appearance of hot spots. This opens the road to a study of the interplay between disorder, antiferromagnetic fluctuations, and superconductivity in electron-doped cuprates.
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