Acupuncture on the acupuncture point GV20 has been considered effective for managing psychoneurological disorders since ancient times, and GV20 is now regularly used to treat stress-related diseases (SRDs), including psychoneurological disorders. Although reports indicating that acupuncture stimulation of GV20 alone regulates cerebral blood flow (CBF) in brain regions associated with SRDs have been scattered, from the perspective of the need for earlier action, the effects on subjective stress as self-reported in the stress state of healthy individuals and CBF changes in related prefrontal cortex (PFC) subregions, which is based as underlying mechanism, remain unclear. Therefore, there is a need to explore effective methods for analyzing such effects. Multiple consecutive mental arithmetic tasks were performed to induce sufficient stress in healthy university students. Real acupuncture or sham acupuncture was performed on GV20, and subjective stress and CBF changes in PFC subregions were observed before and after acupuncture using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, which were analyzed based on the general linear model method and correlation analysis. Subjective stress was suppressed and recovered significantly faster in the true acupuncture group than in the sham acupuncture group. Furthermore, significant negative correlations were found between subjective stress and CBF in several PFC subregions during and after the tasks, with more correlated regions on the left side than on the right side of the PFC. Among them, the CBF of the left ventrolateral PFC (vl-PFC) was suggested to be maintained in the true acupuncture group under repeated tasks load, which was inferred to be correlated with delayed decreases in subjective stress after acupuncture. This pilot study showed that fNIRS is feasible for assessing delayed PFC inhibition in acute stress by acupuncture on GV20. Acupuncture treatment on GV20 resulted in early suppression of subjective stress and early recovery. The neuroscientific rationale for this finding may lie in its effect on maintaining CBF in the left vl-PFC related to delayed inhibition of subjective stress, and would make it reasonable to apply acupuncture to GV20 in healthy individuals. Larger studies are needed to corroborate these findings and obtain reliable conclusions.
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