This paper deals with computability of recursive functions in restricted time and storage. Section 1 introduces some terminology, including the notion of an arithmetization of a computing machine. Section 2, extending previous work of Ritchie [11] and Cobham [2], characterizes classes of functions computable with limited rate of growth of storage, which are stable under variations in the type of computing machine allowed. Section 3 provides a similarly machine-independent characterization of the class of functions computable in linear bounded storage with polynomial bounded time (the bounds being in terms of the length of the argument), examines the conjecture that it is a proper subclass of the functions computable in linear bounded storage, and shows that it is the smallest subrecursive class with certain stability and adequacy properties. Attempts to deal with sharper bounds on computation time, in particular, to characterize computability in linear time and storage in a suitably machineindependent fashion, require more detailed considerations of machine structure and will be discussed in a future publication. Many of the results below appeared in Chapter 1 of the author's thesis [14]; some exceptions include Theorems 7 and 8, Corollary 8, and Examples 5 and 7.
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