Static power reduction is a challenge in deep submicron VLSI circuits. In this paper 28T full adder circuit, 14T full adder circuit and 32 bit power gated BCD adder using the full adders respectively were designed and their average power was compared. In existing work a conventional full adder is designed using 28T and the same is used to design 32 bit BCD adder. In the proposed architecture 14T transmission gate based power gated full adder is used for the design of 32 bit BCD adder. The leakage supremacy dissipated during standby mode in all deep submicron CMOS devices is reduced using efficient power gating and multi-channel technique. Simulation results were obtained using Tanner EDA and TSMC_180nm library file is used for the design of 28T full adder, 14T full adder and power gated BCD adder and a significant power reduction is achieved in the proposed architecture.