ROMAN LAW STUDIES IN POLAND IN THE YEARS 1918-1945 (REVIEW OF BIBLIOGRAPHY) Summary In Roman law studies in Poland there is no complete list of the works published in the years 1918-1945 by scholars dealing with Roman law. The scientific output of the Polish researchers was presented by Rafał Taubenschlag in the article, Gli studi di diritto romano in Polonia nel secolo XX, [in:] Gli Studi Romani nel Mondo, volume III, Roma 1936, p. 247-268, but he focused mainly on discussing the major works. An attempt to show the achievements of Roman law studies in Poland on a comprehensive basis was undertaken by Juliusz Wisłocki, Dzieje nauki prawa rzymskiego w Polsce, Warsaw 1945, but his study is highly incomplete. The analysed period witnessed the emergence of lots of valuable works concerning the history and the institutions of Roman law in the form of monographs, articles published in many domestic and foreign periodicals, studies on particular occasions, encyclopedic dictionaries and reports on the activities of scientific societies. The problems related to the law of the ancient Rome were dealt with not only by the Roman law researchers but also by legal historians and classical philologists. The works were presented according to the following sections: I. General works, textbooks and scripts; II. Ancillary publications; III. History of sources; IV. Civil procedure; V. Law of Persons and legal proceedings; VI. Family law; VII. Law of Property; VIII. Law of Obligations; IX. Law of Succession; X. Criminal law and procedure; XI. Public law; XII. Philosophy of law, methodology and political and legal doctrines; XIII. Importance of the Roman law; XIV. Evaluation of the output of Roman law scholars.
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