REPORT □ UNITEDKINGDOMLABOURLAW Lawful industrial action and the Minor Errors Bill Impossible demands are placed on unions foraccuracy and detail KEITH EW1NG IsPresident of the Institute of Employment Rights In London and aVice President of ICTUR Anewness new government threat community totrade is in union already theUnited rights. lining Kingdom; The up busiwith a newthreat totradeunionrights. Thebusiness community is alreadyliningup with additionalproposalsforfurther reform of the labourlaw. Shortly beforethegovernment announcedthe biggest publicspending cutsfora generation, the extremists of thebusinesslobbyproposedever more vicious restraints on the rightto strike, includingdaily fineson tradeunions,and a requirement thattradeunionsgivelongernotice tohelpemployers preparefora strike Butas anytradeunionist willknowonlytoo well,theproblem ofBritish strike law is notthat itis too lenient, butthatitis too tough.One of TonyBlair'spromises attheelection in 1997was that Britain underNewLabourwouldcontinue to havethemostrestrictive labourlaws in Europe. Thatwas theone promise he kept. Disproportionate obligations Unlikeanywhere else in theworld,British trade unionsare burdenedby unnecessarily tight and disproportionate obligationsto give notice to employers oftheir intention to holda strike ballot ;noticeoftheballotresult toboththeemployerandunionmembers ; andnoticeofan intention tostrike. Butitisnottheunparalleled number ofnotices thathavetobe given,so muchas thevolumeof information that causes difficulty for trade unions,facedby employers who now hirevery expensivelawyers to picktheir waythrough the legislation linebylineand wordforwordinthe fruitful search for loopholes in badly drafted statutes. Theselawyers arenowbeinghired byemployersto breakstrikes, sometimes beforetheyeven getstarted. As a result we have seen a wave of injunctions ina seriesofrecent disputes inwhich employers havebeen lining up outsidetheHigh Courtto have theirapplications stampedby a judge. The obligationsinpractice RMTwas stoppedfrom taking actionagainst electricity supplierEDF when it toldthe employer thatitwas planning to ballotengineers/technicians .The courtbentthekneetotheemployer's demandthatactionwas unlawful because the unionfailed toprovide full jobdescriptions ofthe 50 orso workers inthedispute. Unitecabincrewwerestoppedfrom goingon strike becausetheunionincludedina strike ballotsomeworkers whowouldbe taking voluntary redundancybefore the strike started,even though their involvement wouldhaveno impact on theoutcomeofa ballotinwhichover90 percentvotedinfavour , inan 80 percent turnout. RMTwas stoppedfromtakingactionagainst Network Railforfailing tocomply withthelaw's demandthat theuniongivenotice totheemployerofthelocation oftheworkers whoaretotake partinthestrike, an impossible demandinindustries wherethere isa highturnover ofbothworkersandwork -places. Andso itgoeson andon. Londonbus-workers werestoppedfrom taking industrial action where - because of an administrative oversight (not wholly within itscontrol) -their unionUnite gave noticeoftheballotresult totheemployer within 48 hoursoftheballotresult, whichwas said by thecourt nottobe 'as soon as reasonably practicable '. BA cabincrewwerethesubjectofan injunction aftera second ballot because the union (Unite)had failedto notify theunionmembers that of10,000orso peoplewhohadvotedinthe ballot(returning yetanother whoppingmajority in favourof industrial action),11 had spoiled their papers. Andfinally, perhapsthelowestpointina dismallistofcases ,Unite members atMilford Haven werestoppedbyan injunction from taking industrial actionbecausetheunion'snoticethat itwas taking both continuous AND discontinuous industrial action should have not have been givenon ONE butnoton TWO piecesofpaper. Itistruethat insomeofthesecasestheinjunctionwas lifted on appeal. Buttheyshouldnever havebeengranted inthefirst placeon suchflimsy grounds,and it is thisabuse to whichan extremely modest Bill introducedby Labour backbench MPJohn McDonnell's was addressed. The LawfulIndustrial Action (MinorErrors)Bill The purposeoftheveryshortLawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Billwas toexcuseanyaccidentalfailure bya tradeunionwhere'there has beensubstantial compliance', andwherethefailureison a scaleunlikely toaffect theresult ofthe industrial actionballot, ora reasonable recipient's understanding of theeffect of anyof industrial actionnoticesreferred toabove. Otherwise theBillsaidthat inanyproceedings whereitis reliedon,itwouldbe presumed that therehad been substantial compliancewitha procedural obligation unlesstheemployer could proveotherwise, and provealso thatthefailure affected theoutcomeoftheballotortheunderstanding oftheeffect ofthenotice. McDonnell's billwas introduced fora Second Reading in the House of Commonson 22 INTERNATIONAL union rights Page 6Volume 17Issue 3201 0 REPORT□ UNITEDKINGDOMLABOURLAW October. BecauseoftheUnited Kingdom's quaint parliamentary procedure, McDonnell needed100 supporters oftheBilltobe present tosupport it. He managedtosecuretheattendance of83,and theBillwas talkedoutbyold fashioned filibustering by the friends of businesson the Tory benches. The existing law is whollyindefensible, and anysuggestion thatitneeds to be tightened is both risibleand contemptuous. The industrial action notice requirements have been condemnedby the Councilof Europe,and even Britishjudges scratchtheir heads when an employer triesto stopa strike because a union has failedto notify its membersof the ballot result. Therecan be no excuse eitherforthe new Labourleadership failing tosupport McDonnell's bill.Theywere notbeingasked to restore the right to strike, even to minimum international standards. They were being asked simplyto ensurethatunionsare notdisabledfrom taking legitimate actionwhenthey havedonetheir best to complywiththe mostrestrictive anti-union lawsinthedevelopedworld. RMT union members march. Unite members march insolidarity with striking BA Cabin Crew. 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