Ferroelectric oxides based on ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$ show tremendous promise for the next generation of memory and logic devices. The ferroelectric polymorph is one of several that can be derived from the high symmetry cubic fluorite structure of ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$. A single grain of ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$ may consist of a coherent mixture of multiple orientational and translational variants of different polymorphs. Here, we use symmetry-adapted strain-order parameters to elucidate the relationship between the different ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$ polymorphs and their symmetrically equivalent variants. We use first-principles electronic structure methods to identify minimum energy pathways and map them in subspaces of the symmetry-adapted strain order parameters. We next investigate the atomic structure of domain boundaries that separate coexisting variants of ferroelectric ${\mathrm{HfO}}_{2}$. We rely on Gibbsian excess quantities and a precise specification of mechanical boundary conditions to describe the thermodynamic properties of domain boundaries. Our first-principles calculations show that the O and Hf shuffle arrangement within a domain boundary is closely related to the intermediate shuffle patterns of the homogeneous pathways between ferroelectric variants. Furthermore, the preferred structure within a boundary is very sensitive to local strain constraints imposed by the adjacent ferroelectric variants, leading to highly anisotropic domain boundary energies.