Soil organic matter has been well acknowledged as a natural solution to mitigate climate change and to maintain agricultural productivity. Microbial necromass is an important contributor to soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, and serves as a resource pool for microbial utilization. The trade-off between microbial births/deaths and resource acquisition might influence the fate of microbial necromass in the SOC pool, which remains poorly understood. We coupled soil microbial assembly with microbial necromass contribution to SOC on a long-term, no-till (NT) farm that received maize (Zea mays L.) stover mulching in amounts of 0 %, 33 %, 67 %, and 100 % for 8 y. We characterized soil microbial assembly using the Infer Community Assembly Mechanisms by Phylogenetic-bin-based null model (iCAMP), and microbial necromass using its biomarker amino sugars. We found that 100 % maize stover mulching (NT100) was associated with significantly lower amino sugars (66.4 mg g−1 SOC) than the other treatments (>70 mg g−1 SOC). Bacterial and fungal communities responded divergently to maize stover mulching: bacterial communities were positive for phylogenetic diversity, while fungal communities were positive for taxonomic richness. Soil bacterial communities influenced microbial necromass contribution to SOC through determinism on certain phylogenetic groups and bacterial bin composition, while fungal communities impacted SOC accumulation through taxonomic richness, which is enhanced by the positive contribution of dispersal limitation-dominated saprotrophic guilds. The prevalence of homogeneous selection and dispersal limitation on microbial cell wall-degrading bacteria, specifically Chitinophagaceae, along with increased soil fungal richness and interactions, might induce the decreased microbial necromass contribution to SOC under NT100. Our findings shed new light on the role of microbial assembly in shaping the dynamics of microbial necromass and SOC storage. This advances our understanding of the biological mechanisms that underpin microbial necromass associated with SOC storage, with implications for sustainable agriculture and mitigation of climate change.