Pollinator sharing of co-flowering plants may result in interspecific pollen receipt with a fitness cost. However, the underlying factors that determine the effects of heterospecific pollen (HP) are not fully understood. Moreover, the cost of stigma closure induced by HP may be more severe for plants with special touch-sensitive stigmas than for plants with non-touch-sensitive stigmas. Very few studies have assessed HP effects on stigma behavior. We conducted hand-pollination experiments with 10 HP donors to estimate HP effects on stigma behavior and stigmatic pollen germination in Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae) at low and high pollen loads. We assessed the role of phylogenetic distance between donor and recipient, pollen size, and pollen aperture number in mediating HP effects. Additionally, we observed pollen tube growth to determine the conspecific pollen-tube-growth advantage. Stigma behavior differed significantly with HP of different species. Pollen load increased, while pollen size decreased, the percentage of permanent closure and stigmatic germination of HP. Stigmatic HP germination increased with increasing aperture number. However, HP effects did not depend on phylogenetic distance. In addition, conspecific pollen had a pollen-tube-growth advantage over HP. Our results provide a good basis for understanding the stigma-pollen recognition process of plant taxa with touch-sensitive stigmas. We concluded that certain flowering traits drive the HP effects on the post-pollination period. To better understand the impact of pollinator sharing and interspecific pollen transfer on plant evolution, we highlight the importance of evaluating more factors that determine HP effects at the community level.
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