Developing a business based on innovative ideas, technology entrepreneurship plays a leading role in achieving the goals of sustainable development of the national economy. At the initial stage of development, technological startups need resource support to transform into an innovative company. Such support can be provided by innovation ecosystems and technology entrepreneurship ecosystems. Government support for the activities of small innovative enterprises is an important factor in the development of technology entrepreneurship. The purpose of the study is to develop an organizational and functional model of technology entrepreneurship. The level of development of technology entrepreneurship at the federal level and at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was assessed using indicators of the share of small enterprises in the total number of organizations, the share of innovative products of small enterprises in the total volume of manufactured products, expenditures on innovative activities, and internal costs of research and development. The author used data from the Federal State Statistics Service. An organizational and functional model of technology entrepreneurship is proposed, the main elements of which are the business community, investors, scientific and educational organizations, innovative enterprises, innovative and technological infrastructure, support institutions. It is shown how a startup, scaling a business model, can turn into an innovation business, what forms of support can ensure this, how intercompany interaction is organized within the innovation process. It is recommended to develop forms of cooperation between the business community and universities, stimulate innovative enterprises in the regions, support technological startups, and improve forms of government support for technology entrepreneurship. For the growth and development of startups in the innovation ecosystem, mechanisms for productive interaction of all its elements and effective forms of support for technology entrepreneurship are needed.