Errors in Nelson et al. (2004) that have come to our attention are listed below. Some of these were caught in page proof but not changed in the final publication. Corrections to scientific names follow those given in Eschmeyer (1998, Online). Some minor typographical errors that should not cause confusion are not listed in the table below. For example, we place a comma between the name of the author and the date, as given in examples in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 4 Edition (e.g., Article 22A.2, a recommendation concerning method of citation); however, there is the occasional omission of the comma in the list (e.g., ‘‘Narcine bancroftii (Griffith & Smith 1834)’’ and ‘‘Psenes sio Haedrich 1970’’). Other minor errors are the omission of a space between items in ‘‘Squalus mitsukurii Jordan & Snyder,1903’’, extra space between items in ‘‘Cichlasoma deppii (Heckel, 1840)’’, and omission of comma between items, e.g., ‘‘Atherinidae–En-Old World silversides, Sptinicalos Fr-atherines’’. In the Index, page 283, carpio is listed in error as in Cyprinella, rather than Cyprinus. Apart from the errors corrected here, changes found subsequent to finalizing the 2004 list will be published later. This will include many range extensions of species found in our area, taxonomic changes (e.g., modifications in generic and family limits as well as species status), and new species and higher taxa described since the publication of the sixth edition, along with other changes. Other comments or purported errors came forth from users that resulted from not reading the notes in Appendix 1. Except for the entry ‘‘Elassoma okefenokee’’, we do not give comments here from publications, either those we missed or that appeared subsequent to the sixth edition, that either strengthen decisions made for the 2004 list or that present elaboration of comments. These may be presented in future articles or in the next edition, planned for 2010. Users should note that active taxonomic work often results in differences of opinion on the generic placement of many species (many such differences, when timely communicated for the 2004 list, were mentioned in Appendix 1). Generic allocation of several species are not necessarily changed in the main list to follow the latest taxonomic suggestions when there is reason to believe that these actions are likely to soon change (this has often been done with the advice of specialists of the particular group). The scientific name is intended as a recommendation or guide for the non-taxonomist until more comprehensive revisionary works are completed. We plan to issue regular updates on new species to our area and have Web-site access for these updates. List and explanation of corrections for the main list and Appendix 1. Changes are coded as follows: A 5 authority; C 5 common name; CS 5 change in symbol; D 5 date of name publication; F 5 family; O 5 country of occurrence; PA 5 parentheses added; PD 5 parentheses deleted; S 5 spelling of specific or generic name; + Comment in Appendix 1. Corrected entry listing given here is how we propose to list the taxon in the next (7) edition, except for special notes in brackets ([ ]), planned for publication in 2010 (page numbers here refer to the 6 edition). The changes in common names, however, are deemed to be effective now. Explanation of corrections: Page 189. Euprotomicrus bispinatus. Correction of family placement to Dalatiidae from Etmopteridae. Page 195. Ophichthus frontalis. Parentheses are removed from the author’s name. Page 196. Anchoa exigua. Parentheses were inadvertently omitted from the author’s name; this species was described in Stolephorus. Page 197. Chanos chanos. Change in diacritic mark in spelling of author (Forsskal versus Forsskal). Page 201. Oregonichthys crameri. Formerly recognized as including O. kalawatseti. See O. kalawatseti. Page 206. Noturus baileyi. Common name capitalized as it referred to the Smoky Mountains, from which area the species was described as noted in the 1970 edition. We assume the listing as ‘‘smoky madtom’’ in the 1980 and 1991 editions was an inadvertent error. Page 206. Sciadeops troschelii. Correction of spelling of specific name (from troschellii). Page 206. Sciades hymenorrhinos. Correction of spelling of specific name (from hymenorrhinus). Page 213. Ogilbia ventralis. Parentheses were inadvertently omitted from the author’s name; this species was described in Brosmophycis. Copeia, 2006(3), pp. 559–562
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