This study examined whether rapid recovery from stress-induced impairment in predator evasion, observed in previous studies on coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), was a general characteristic of different stocks of the same species and different species of Pacific salmon. We monitored stress-induced non-predator mortality, predator evasion and Cortisol concentrations of smolts of coho and spring Chinook, O. tshawytscha (Walbaum), after administration of standardized single and multiple handling stresses. Marked differences in the response to handling stress among stocks of coho and spring chinook smolts were evident, with recovery from impaired predator evasion occurring within 24 h of a 30-s handling stress for coho smolts and 24 h of a 1-min handling stress for spring chinook smolts. Differences in stress-induced non-predator mortality among stocks were also observed. The results point to the importance of screening hatchery salmonid stocks to assess differing capabilities of dealing with stress.